Making Strange-R n Stranger

The Hip-Hop background tracks are basically the same as those on the rest of the Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown series: Dub Smash, Electric Buzz and Vintage Synth Bass patches in Garage Band created synthetically.

The acoustic guitar tracks are recorded as sample patches, then pasted in position. The guitar is a cheap, old Yamaha SJ-180 using a Jim Dunlop thin Delrin pick drinking luke warm coffee, at least at the beginning, and tuned in Standard E. Shure SM 57 microphone using Natural Strum Patch. The thrills at the end are the only bits of several hours of work yesterday that were salvageable and they were recorded using the Shure SM 57 microphone straight through Mbox2 Pro without any Garage Band patch.

I should point out that during recording and production today, Brother JAY!-rEE Strange-R dropped by to teach us how to use some patches to augment and adjust the sound on the acoustic instruments as they are recorded. He was also kind enough to point out that if you turn the Recording Volume knob all the way down on Mbox2 Pro on Track 2 while you’re recording vocals on Track 1… then switch over and record acoustic instruments on Track 2… without adjusting the Recording Volume… meaning TURN IT UP… you won’t be able to hear a durn THANG on the track when you try to mix that puppy… no matter HOW many samples you record and how much time you waste recording that waste! All you get is just a tiny little almost imperceptible noise… that is overshadowed by the background buzz of the chickens cluckin’ in the chicken coop when you’re recording…. I would also like to point out that not only is Mr. Strange-R kind… butt he also has kind hair…. The kind you find on a pig’s butt….

The tiny amount of acoustic slide guitar was done on a cheap black Briarwood… that actually has a sweet sound… but a high action… that cannot be adjusted… because the guitar is too cheap…. The guitar was tuned to a Mountain Modal Open D minor DADFAD… which we have never used before…. Recorded using Shure SM 57 microphone using Echo Strum Patch.

The harmonica is a Hohner Blues Harp in the key of C played in third position… which is Mountain Modal Dm…. The harmonica part was recorded using the Natural Vocal Patch…. Tried some of the Fuzz Vocal Patch, but decided to go with Natural…. Recorded using Shure SM 58 microphone and Natural Vocal Patch….

The narration was recorded using the Shure SM 58 microphone and Narration Vocal Patch… or no patch….

The vocal was recorded using the Shure SM 58 microphone and Natural Voice Patch….

Tried to make sure everything was lined up pretty good….

The song is based on an old religious Southern Appalachian folk ballad variously titled Poor Wayfaring Stranger… and a few other names… that dates back to the American Revolution…. The first time the song was published… was in 1816 by Ananias Davidsson in a song book titled Kentucky Harmony…. The title at that time was Judgement. This version is in C Major… at least theoretically… but actually in Mountain Modal D minor… if that makes any sense….

The arrangement is fresh. VERY fresh….

Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Interlude. (Strange-R n Stranger….)

Yesterday was one of those days… that just makes a man feel like drinkin’….
Just a little more than Iced Coffee sittin’ on the back porch of the Pho Shizzle… fo’ SHIZZLE!!!
And… today… I’m feelin’ kinda cheesy….
So… I’m just gonna pop the cork on a bottle of whine… and pour myself a big ol’ glass… and gulp it down….
Of course… whine is meant to be shared… or what’s the frickin’ point, right?
Yesterday we worked all morning in the chicken coop layin’ down tracks that we could use as samples to paste together into a song… or several….
After all that work… had to chunk the whole bunch….
Couldn’t hear the guy-tar over the cluckin’ chickens….
So… after we shoveled out all of THAT cluckin’ chicken shizzle… we re-dun the whole dang nab confound chicken cluckin’ shizzle chunkin’ brick ticklin’ deal…
Started over….
Almost completely….

Well… we here at Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc. have recently… and resentfully… been acused of doin’ some CRAZY stuff…. tOtes kra-kra… as they say…. Some folks is complainin’ dat dey jus’ cain’t understan’….
Just what we’re trying to do….
Just what we’re trying to say….
Even some of the words we’re using to try to express ourselves….

Our response…?

Those folks is absolutely RIGHT!!!
The Collective Intelligence at Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc. freely admit that we is tOtes kra-kra….
And… we embrace that side of our creative natures….
We may still be hidin’ in the closet… but we is sure as heck bustin’ outta da BOX….

We’re kooky…. Weird…. tOtes kra-kra….


And this… is Strange-R n Stranger….
The Southron Rap Assassins with Special Guest Dr. JAY!-oh!-nAY! Cash-mo’-nAY!

And… those of you who are hungry… stomach’s growlin’… or jus’ growlin’….
You can stick a fork in this one…. It’s DONE!!!

Handling Criticism: Mississippi Home Throwdown and Other Projects….

The Collective Intelligence here at Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc. wish to express our appreciation to everyone who has read or listened or commented on any or all of our projects and products….
Your participation in this endeavor is GREATLY appreciated….

The numbers have been through the frickin’ roof!
Set numerous records both here on WordPress and also on FaceBook….

On this WordPress the numbers look like this:
Week of 16 March- 10 visitors 10 views.
Week of 23 March- 29 visitors 96 views.
Week of 30 March- 59 visitors 234 views.
Week of 6 April- 74 visitors 371 views.
Week of 13 April- 85 visitors 582 views.
Week of 20 April- 99 visitors 303 views (emergency impaired production for several days).
Week of 27 April- 180 visitors 728 views.
Week of 4 May- 158 visitors 774 views (people went through catalog and caught up).
Best single day was 5 May- 30 visitors 221 views….
That DAY beat all previous days, every previous week except those listed and most previous months….

Facebook does statistics very differently. So, I will report highest single day reach:
4 March- 70 total organic Reach.
15 April- 94 total organic Reach.
28 April- 126 total organic Reach.
4 May- 362 total organic Reach.
6 May- 745 total organic Reach.
7 May- 751 total organic Reach.
11 May- 812 total organic Reach.


Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown….
Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown related posts had Reaches of 419, 224, 516, 260, 272, 256, 494, 135, 485, 482, 191….

But… what does that mean…?

Not very many people comment. Period.
Most who do… are supportive…. But that’s still way to low of a sample size to get any meaningful data….

Now… some words about criticism….

When you ask most people… they will say something like, “I liked it.”
Even people who don’t like your work will smile and say, “I liked it.”
If you ask, “Why…?” or, “What specifically did you like…?” you will at best get some vague response.

Very rarely will anyone tell you, “I like the movement.” Or, “I like the characterization.” “The ending surprised me.”

People who really hated your creation will actually tell you that they don’t like it.
Even that criticism is likely to be vague….

Now… a couple of comments about art…. And criticism….
Art is by its very nature a creative form of expression.
Creation must be in some way unique to be art.
Someone who bakes bread or brews beer or works as a fry cook… no matter how good they are at their craft… is an artisan, not an artist….
Someone who makes the same thing repeatedly is an artisan.
Art requires at least some change. Interpretation. Creation.
Playing an instrument… even playing REALLY well… is not art….
Assembling pieces… of cloth… color… film clips… sound snippets… ANYTHING… in a unique way is art.
Copying what has been produced before is not art. It’s artisanship.
Interpreting something someone else has created in a fresh way is art.
For example…. I have an old Velvet Elvis painted in Mexico by the renounced Velvet Elvis illuminator Raul in stunning fluorescent orange and yellows… on the ORIGINAL Black Velvet background…. I LOVE it! I’m convinced that my painting was the inspiration for Black Velvet by Alannah Myles.
However… painting even the most intricate Velvet Elvi on an assembly line is not art…. It’s artisanship.
Nothing wrong with artisanship. Many people prefer the tried and true to anything challenging.
Romance Novels….
Completely formulaic….
To get published… must rigorously follow the accepted standards…. If you do something different… won’t get published…. Have to develop new form and go in a different direction.
Nothing wrong with Romance Novels. Not my personal cup-o-joe…. But… many people LOVE them… or no one would have any idea what Fabio Lanzoni looks like, now, would they….

Don’t feel you must follow the heard.
Unless you’re the lead dog in the sled team… the view never changes….
Don’t feel the need to be different just to be different either. Develop an understanding of your artistic expression that allows you to discern your creativity. Know WHY you want to do this or change that or try something completely new…. Be in the moment…. Be develop the ability to look critical at your creation… and creative process… from an external view….
That requires seeking out criticism….

Criticism is good. ALL criticism. Constructive criticism. Deconstructive criticism. (You should not create that… you should do THIS instead…. Because THIS is what I like. And I want to like your art… MORE….) Even destructive criticism…. (I hate it. Makes me sick. I don’t understand it.) All of that is better than silence. Seek out the noise. Then interpret what you see and hear and smell and taste in the more REAL way you possibly can. Don’t lie to yourself about your art. Be SUPER-critical. Be HYPERcritical. Not hypocritical. Or you can never maximize your creative expression.

Some observations:
1. Aesthetics is very personal. Steeped in psychological and emotional overtones. Many people seem to feel threatened by art that requires then to act. Requires them to attend. Art that forces the question…. Some people may be intimidated. Feel forced out of their comfort zone. But they will typically express their appraisal as something like, “That was too weird.” Or, “That was too crazy.” Even that criticism such as that… is FAR more helpful than silence. So… accept hate graciously….
2. Interpreting metrics is difficult.
3. Metrics demonstrate a law of diminishing returns. Long works receive less traffic. The more work up-loaded in a short time will result in diminishing hit density… meaning that fewer people will click on each successive work… unless they are somehow drawn in….
4. Different people like different things. That’s why they make chocolate and vanilla. That’s why some people will LOVE something you put up… and others will cringe…. So… each artist must seek a target audience… while simultaneously developing and defining his or her artistic vision…. Some artists… never find a target audience of any size that shares their artistic vision…. The more avant garde the artistic vision… the more likely finding a target audience of sufficient size to support one’s art will be…. That is an artistic choice of expression….

One other comment….
Art is not considered to be work by most….
No one will feel compelled to allow an artist time and space within which to create without distraction….
Demanding that an artist drop what they are doing to talk on the phone… answer texts… talk… go out… pay attention…. Write person X into the story…. Because I love your art….
That is an example of the emotional and psychological entanglement and overtones of which I wrote earlier….
Humans… tend to interpret art… from a completely different… and more demanding… perspective when they know the artist….
That makes getting criticism from close friends and family members a bit dicey….
Because the intimacy of the relationship… interferes with the clinical detachment necessary to maximize the benefit of criticism….

Sneak Peak: Shady Grove Groove version Chapter 1: Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown….

What’s that noise…?
A truck backing up…?

Sitting at my usual outside table at the Pho Shizzle… out in the alley behind the Faux Seasons Hotel… right down the dirt road from Junior Beard’s Juke Joint and Greasy Spoon… Beat Four….
Whistler… if you’re particular about labels…. On highway signs….

Drinking Iced Coffee…. Made with Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk….
Reminds me of homemade ice cream….
Durn churn….
Burns me up worse than mustard in my underwear….

BIG truck backs up…. Drops a load….
Load of shizzle….
Guess drops off a load of shizzle probably sounds better….
A BIG man hangs his head out the window of the cab as he backs that big rig up….
Looked like a bear…. Only bigger…. And hairier….
Worse smelling…. Kinda like… well… shizzle….
Served in a steaming bowl of rice noodles… with scallions… and bamboo sprouts….
Anyway… that great big bad smelling bad asset of a man… turned out to be nobody….
But Big Woody Johnson….
Out making a delivery….
And then… a BIG woman falls out of the passenger side….

Aunt Quida Pants Lowe-D….
Dropping off a little sump’n sump’n….

Just a taste….
So… anyone who wants some… can just get a little of the flavor… of the Shady Grove Groove….

(In the process of creating “samples”…. Then will assemble said sad “samples” into finished products….
Manufactured in the Assembly Plant located just across from the County Barn in Mico, Mississippi….
You know…. In that red clay dirt pit….
Fell off a horse there once….
Almost broke my wind when I hit the ground….
Hit my head….
Almost hurt the dirt….
Horse stepped on my hand….
Just lucky wasn’t my bowling hand….)

Making of Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Introduction & First Bowel Movement (Wayne County Remix)

Let’s see….

Added Frailing on Fender Banjo tuned Open G, which is most common Banjo tuning. Not particularly adept at frailing….
Fiddle tuned in sort of a Old Tymey Appalachian Mountain Open G, but the thing is cheap and won’t stay in tune for even a minute….
Dobro tuned in Dobro Standard Open G… which is GBDgbd….
Harmonica is Hohner Blues Harp in D played in second position which is G major affecting E minor…. Recorded using Narration Vocal patch…. A bit of bluesy bending….

Most of the vocals are recorded using Telephone patch in Garage Band… which introduces a bit of a delay that makes synchronization a bit tricky.

Piano is Concert Stein Grand Piano patch played using keyboard dropped two octaves. First and third parts are recorded straight. Middle part was created synthetically (notes pieced together).

Hip-Hop stylings include Dub Smash, Vintage Synth Bass & Electric Buzz patches arranged synthetically.

Oh…. Almost forgot to mention…. That sound of a the bass dropping… was the bass… dropping….

Idea is kind of Uncle Dave Macon reincarnated as a Hip-Hop artist at the Ryman Auditorium of the Grand Ole Opry…. The Dixie Dew Drop…. First Star….
Music and Comedy co-mingling….

And… please notice that the Wayne County Cousins are the ones who are up-to-date in their appreciation of music….
And if you must know… yes… it’s in 4/4…. Four Beats to the measure….
Hence… Beat Four….

Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Introduction & First Bowel Movement (Politically Incorrect Version)

Without further adoo-doo….
The Southron Rap Assassins….
AKA… Big Woody Johnson and the Big Johnson Blues Bandits….
Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Introduction & First Bowel Movement….

I know…. It stinks….

Parental Warning: This song ought to be rapped in some kind of airtight alibi….

Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Chapter 1 (Politically Incorrect Version… consolidated… expanded… edited….)

Sitting outside the local Vietnamese restaurant… Pho Shizzle… enjoying an iced coffee… made fresh at my table…. Soaking in the oppressive heat and humidity…. Hoping my shirt is soaking up my sweat…. But it’s starting to tickle just a little bit… running down… there….

I feel a little embarrassed at the moment… but not as embarrassed as I probably will be when I stand up… looking like I just went… SOMEWHERE… in my shorts….


Oppressive heat and humidity ALWAYS make me reminisce about home….

So… I worked on consolidated and expanding the lyrics to Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Chapter 1 (Politically Incorrect Version)….
I wrote a bit last week that I was afraid might be perceived as being offensive to some. So… I left it out of what I posted….
Certain events of this weekend suggest I should not be so timid….
So… here it is….

Mississippi Homeboy Throwdown: Chapter 1 (Politically Incorrect Version).

07 May 2015 0808-0956
07 May 2015 0648-0807
07 May 2015 1019-1025
07 May 2015 1100-1210
11 May 2015 1017-1122-1522

Well… just for some perspective… I sure LOVE to clown around….
I was born in Mississippi… and this is MY Homeboy Throwdown….
Suppose I should just kinda warn ya’ll all… you know… about my Home Town….
While I throw down these Beastie lyrics… and lay down this Phat Sound….
First… let me tell ya’ll all just a little ‘bout myself….
I ain’t gonna invade your home… drink up all the Hennessey U got on your shelf….
(Nothing. Like. THAT!!!)
My first name is Johnny and my daddy’s J.N.
I ain’t no John or Jonathan… so let me say it again….
My first name is Johnny and my daddy’s J.N.
Those is the names my momma gave me and his momma gave him.
I ain’t no Hip-Hop artist… not even Old School….
And I ain’t signed with Def Jam Records… Nope. I’m just some old fool….
So I sure ain’t no Gangsta Rapper. I don’t wear my pants low.
Cuz showin’ off your underwear just ain’t cool way down in Shady Grove!
(Shady Grove, my little love,
Shady Grove, I say.
Shady Grove, my little love,
I’m bound to go away….)
Yep, I was once a Mustang… went to school in Soso…
And when we really wanted to get WILD… we’d cruise on out to Gitano….
(That don’t even rhyme….)
So… was I ever in a gang…? Well… I sure ain’t no Blood or Crip,
So… this may be my Throwdown… but don’t confuse me… with Busta Phat-Lipp….
Now… I ain’t no politician… so I can drop all ya’ll some TRUTH….
As Mr. Shakespeare might say… harken up to this Forsooth!

Well… I was born in Mississippi down in that Free State of Jones;
Down here we’ve got two County Seats cuz we just can’t seem to get along.
I’m Southern and I’m Christian and ExtrEMELY Wright-Wang.
I think Ronnie was a Commie. That’s just the way I schwish-ZWANG!!!
(Liberals can’t understand: It’s a Conservative thang.)
Well… I schwANG to the right, and then I swang to the… right….
I never swing to the left. I guess probably just too uptight….
Now if I want to hold on to my gun and Bible, that’s my Constitutional Right.
And if you don’t try to force your views down my throat, then we ain’t gotta fight. (Swallow THAT!!!)

Well… I ain’t agin no Muslims and I ain’t agin no Jews…
I ain’t agin no Atheists… I just think everyone should be FREE to choose….
So… I ain’t agin no Hindus… and I sure ain’t agin no Jains…
And though I’m Christian & Conservtive… I think I should just treat EVERYONE the SAME!!!

U C… I ain’t agin Hispanics… and I ain’t no Blacks….
But we’re all in this boat together… so we can ALL drop our attacks….
I KNOW I’m a pasty white boy… and I know some of us are jerks…
But we ALL need to get more learnin’ so we ALL can get TO WORK!!!

Now… WORD to Left-Wingnuts… we ReDNeX all ain’t the same….
We’re all believe in HARD work… and some… even have some brains….
We all love our COUNTRY… and some love our guns….
Some love our God… but ALL of us LOVE to have fun….
(Let’s get REAL… bad….)
If police profilin’s so bad… then why ain’t that rule applied to ALL
Cuz when YOU claim all of us are stupid… you’re just pinnin’ our profile TO YOUR WALL!!!
So… you can STOP all your h8n… blovi8n… and SHI-zzle….
While I drop this bacon in the fryin’ pan…. Ah-h-h-h! Just listen to that SIZZLE!!!

I may not float like no butterfly; I sure don’t sting like no bee.
I may be just a phew pounds phatter than Michelle thinks I ideally SHOULD be….
But I love my Ward’s Chili Cheese Dogs and my PDI shakes…
And I pick up the bill for all Barack’s golf and all Michelle’s Hawaiian Clam Bakes.
Yep, I’m paying for her well-planned meals. I’m even paying for her chef….
I think it sure would be nice… if she’d let me help myself… to what’s left….
So now… I’m gonna thump my Bible and my Bros gonna grab some guns
And all my posse’s gonna saddle up and we’re all gonna have some fun….

(Hey, Sheriff! Wait up! We SUPPORT Law Enforcement!
Wait UP!!!

Wat DIS…???
Mmmm-MMMM! Fam’ly pic-ah-nic-ah! That’s what I’m talk-n ‘bout!
N da HOUSE!!!
N da yard.
Down da street….
Yo…! Aunt Play-N!
Gimme a heapin’ heppin’ of some of Aunt Hospital-I-T’s Straight Gangsta Mac & Cheese…. An’ summa Aunt Ain’t-Too-Slim Shady Grove’s 2-Chees-E E-Z Grits & Groundhog Gravy…. An’ summa Baby Girl Double-D Tata-Z’s Xtra-cur-V Cute Curly-Q Franch Fry-Z… wit a whoppin’ dollop uh dat mAY!-YO!-nAzE…. NO! Not that taste-free low-Phat shizzle!
Do I KNOW that’s about 20 servings of starches an’ about uh whole BUTT load uh triglycerides an’ utter phats…?
I ain’t touchin’ dat Bar-b-Q-D Sum-kinda-sump’n-sump’n meat-on-a-sheet…. Wud is dat? Smelz like Polecat-R-Sump’n-Sump’n an’ he’s way up dar in Tennessee!
Who died an’ elected U Michelle O-mercy!
And if that clogs up my veins… I’ll just go 2 Community 2 C ol’ what’s-his-name…. That bald heart doctor….
Dr. Drea-D Big Need-L.
An’ Dr. Got-2-pAY!K-ash sUrE-kUrE….

Dang! Forgot to get the Chili-Cheese Fries….)

More WHa-zUP!!! (The Incident at the Not-OK Corral)

Stole my daddy’s truck for a bit. Guess I borrowed it….
Brought it back….
When the gas light came on.
I wonder just how much gas that little light uses? Can’t be all that much….

Well… anyway… took the band out for dinner….
The North-by-Northwest Jones County Burnin’ Man Butt Stompers, too….
Couldn’t decide whether we wanted Church’s or Popeye’s…. Then someone spoke up with a decided preference….
Extra Crispy KFC….
Claimed we had to visit the Colonel… because it would be advertizing….

So… we dropped Homeboy Extra Crispy KFC off…. And let him walk home….

Well… we decided to go to Golden Corral…. Almost all of us did anyway….

Well…. Something happened while we were there… bellied up at the all you can eat bar… of course….

Cousin No Mon-AY! No Mo’ climbed out of the bed of my daddy’s pick’em’up truck… and walked up to the Drive-in Window at the Wendell’s Burger across the All Night Truck Stop parking lot from the place….
The waitress was nice. I guess she’s a waitress. She had waitress black hair….
Anyway… she was nice…. She said: “Hun… you didn’t even place yer order yet!”
No Mon-AY! No Mo’ just smiled. A BIG smile. Showed her his tooth.
And he said: “I don’t need no order. I just need a dozen packets of dem crackers and a dozen packets of catchup. For now….”

Then Mo’s Li’l Sista Baby G or Baby Girl Boo… or Baby Girl Boo-tAY! as she now prefers to call herself… heard some kind of thump-thump-thumpin’ a-WHUMP-a-WHUMP-a-WHUMP sounding racket… and almost fell off of her platform sneakers… because somebody’s car was just a bouncing up and down… and a bunch of clowns had their heads out the window making all kind of disturbance of the peace all up behind Cousin No Mon-AY! No Mo’… who by that time had grabbed his crackers and catchup and was walking through the door into the dining area.

Baby Girl Boo-tAY! shouted at him… when she could catch her breaths: “Hey, Mo’… dem low-ridin’ Homeys ‘z slow-ridin’ an’ callin’ yo’ name!”
Mo’ kinda casually glanced through the Drive-in Window, shrugged his shoulders and replied: “Nah…. They’s lookin’ for some other Mo’ whose las’ name starts wiff “F”…. I thinks he’s Muslim cuz his name’s got a bunch of “u”s an’ “q”s in it…. Or… maybe he’s Cajun…. One those Cajun Mo’ Fuquas…. Ya’ll know dem Fuquas, don’cha? Dem Cajuns sho have funny names, don day?”

Yeah. Cajuns sure do have funny names. Like Herbert pronounced “AY-bear!”
That used to just confuse the HE-alth outta me.
“I see Herbert!”
“Over THAR!!!”
“That ain’t no bar, Cousin Klum Z! That’s just that hairy Old Man Herbert.”

Anyway…. I don’t think that man was Mo’ Fuqua…. I don’t think he was shouting at Muslims… or Cajuns….
I think that was Busta Boom-Boom… and Mo’… just got LUCKY!!!