Heavenly Staircase Fantasy….

I conceived/created/composed/arranged this Fantasy based on old song that most people probably don’t know and probably won’t recognize because I lacked the creative talent to decompose anything based on Silly Little Love Songs… the Song of the Decade of the 1970s….

That STILL sticks in my craw… like a fish bone….

This is a Finger-Style piece. I usually only play this way when I can’t find a pick….
Tried to record this last night, but couldn’t get it down….
So… came back and tried again today….
I think I did OK.

The concept for this was a loop… to be used as background music for a different work….
Ambience music… more or less….
Mostly less….
Professor Luigi Zaninelli… or Lou Hayward as he’s known in Jazz circles… would probably shoot me…. He tried to teach me that Music should be written in such a way as to be the full focus of one’s attention….
My point… if I have one… is that Music can also be a very important part of a larger creative structure… like the color of the walls… the texture of the supports… glimmer of the windows… and even the patina of the roof… in architecture….

In order to perform that functions… the creative construct must fit into its specially prepared niche….
When that happens… the whole piece can be far greater than merely the sum of the individual parts….

I am trying to create somewhat in the mold of the Gorillaz…. Zombie Hip-Hop….
Simple… infectious pieces… that break down your defenses… and grow on you….
Creative mold….
I’m striving to be a Fun Guy….