Creativity… and CompartmentaliZZZZing!

I posted earlier about Compartmentalizing….

The Three Bs….


My dad fell and broke his hip yesterday. Had hip replacement surgery today.

I compartmentalized….

If you look… observantly… you will see people compartmentalizing in times of extreme stress….

We humans focus on unimportant… or even frivolous things…. We obsess about meaningless minutia… in the grand scheme of things….

Like the food for the family to be served at a funeral. Who sent flowers. Who visited. Anything. Everything. To distract us from our grief….

We very rarely see out families… especially extended families… except at family events…. As we get older… those events tend to trend towards funerals…. Or hospitals….

Grief is a very strong emotion. And a very strong driver of human… experience…. Of human… direction….

Grief is VERY strong. Grieg affects us. Grief effects us. Grief changes us.

Because grief is strong enough to lift us up… out of our rut…. Out of our comfort zone….

Grief is strong enough… to change our lives….

Even when no one else notices. Even when no one else knows….

Even in our shame.

Grief and shame tend to go together.

Even when our grief… and our shame… are internal. Even when all of our scars are invisible to prying eyes… because they’re on the inside.

Compartmentalizing can be good; or… compartmentalizing can be bad.

Compartmentalizing can form an eschar. A truly hideous scar that prevents any real healing. Then… the wound needs to be debrided. The dead… corrupting… tissue… needs to be removed…. So that REAL healing can occur.

That’s what God is Good is really about. Examining hidden wounds…. Debridement….

My Daughter I Never Knew, too.

Don’t forget to examine your heart.

2 thoughts on “Creativity… and CompartmentaliZZZZing!

  1. Pingback: Creativity… and CompartmentaliZZZZing! | Wright-Wang Extreme Mystery, Inc.

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