What WOULD Jesus Do… in a Megachurch Migrating Towards Populist Prosperity Gospel… and Secular Humanism with a Patina of Christianity….

the Dark Mirror: Reflections for Flawed Christians

I have been struggling with something. Ever since I heard the sermon at church.

I was disturbed. Offended.

I think I know heresy when I hear it, and that sermon sounded a whole lot like heresy. A whole lot of Dallas Willard. Essentially no exegesis of Scripture. I could get Secular Humanism at any Theosophist Society lecture. Or in any college philosophy class. Or… almost anywhere else in America.

And… I shouldn’t have Secular Humanism pounded down my throat at a church that claims to hold Scripture inerrant… while contorting Scripture to fit the Social Justice leanings of the leadership….

I should stand up, but I didn’t know what to say.

Ironically, the sermon was about taking action…. It was simply not… Scriptural. Not… Christian….

Someone just helped me to understand.

Here is what I was missing….

Most people today don’t understand unconditional love: they confuse love with acceptance. They…

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One thought on “What WOULD Jesus Do… in a Megachurch Migrating Towards Populist Prosperity Gospel… and Secular Humanism with a Patina of Christianity….

  1. Yes. chastening is Love. We despise the chastening of the Lord, when we say there is no use in it, it’s an order of God.

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